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New posts in w3c-validation

Is it acceptable for a submit button to have a name attribute?

Why won't <iframe> elements validate in HTML 4.01?

@media queries : getting an error in W3C CSS Validation Service

W3C validator complaining about duplicate div

html w3c-validation

HTML Tables: Semantics of empty cells

Ampersands in hyperlinks cause W3C validation to fail

Does w3c standards allow for same z-indexes

Why would you need a "Valid XHTML & CSS" notice at the end of a page

SVG and CSS properties in the same file

css svg w3c-validation

Remove frameborder attribute on the iframe of Recaptcha

W3C validator error: Attribute placeholder is only allowed when the input type is

Bad value pagination for attribute role on element nav

W3C error validating - Bad value for attribute href on element a: Illegal character in query: not a URL code point

html w3c-validation

W3C Validation: Attribute alt not allowed on element a at this point

html w3c-validation

Can a table row have no cells?

Why doesn't the W3C RDF validator replace the URI using the full namespace?

rdf w3c-validation rdf-xml

Why w3 validator says onClick is not valid?

onclick w3c-validation

How can I validate CSS on internal web pages?

HTML5 Validation error with select required attribute