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New posts in html4

Why won't <iframe> elements validate in HTML 4.01?

SVG is not rendering in IE 10 with Doctype HTML 4

QML: superscript/subscript text

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Transforming XML into HTML (as opposed to xhtml)

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Should an end tag close all unclosed intervening start tags with omitted end tags?

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How does a Web browser differentiate between HTML5 and HTML4?

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HTML5 'Required' attribute for form validation: Good idea or bad idea

html forms html4

Specifying only width or height for an img element

html html4

Custom self-closing / unpaired tags in HTML?

Embeding a Video in HTML4 vs HTML5

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HTML 4 <button> in JSF 2.1

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are attributes without value allowed in HTML4?

html html4

HTML5 vs HTML4 - h1 tag rendered with extra space - how to remove?

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HTML5 - text input with padding is too wide

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Why use HTML5 tags? [duplicate]

html tags html4

Inline SVG vs <object> embedded

Should I remove trailing slashes in meta tags?

What are the consequences of using percentage for width,height attributes of an img element?

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Are self-closing input tags valid in HTML 4?

html html4