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New posts in doctype

link rel="script" usage

doctype xhtml-1.0-strict

What doctype should I use for a mobile web application?

would having php code before doctype make browser to go into quirks mode?

Page stuck in Quirks Mode

XML DocumentType method CreateDocumentType crashes if DTD is absent .NET C#

c# xml doctype dtd xmldocument

SVG is not rendering in IE 10 with Doctype HTML 4

Missing Doctype HTML Deployment using apache mod_proxy

What HTML version is this html

html doctype

How to include multiple XML namespaces in HTML5

Change doctype in ASP.NET

Internet Explorer CSS - Center Div

How did a doctype break my JavaScript?

javascript html css doctype

Strict DOCTYPE affecting spacing between images

css xhtml doctype

Are there different HTML5 doctypes?

html doctype

Force standards-mode in browsers, after the page has loaded

XSLT fails to add DOCTYPE using xs:output

HTML doctype for includes (Visual Studio or HTML generic)

Does the X-UA Compatible http header actually work for IE9?

XHTML doctype components and reason for their existence

html doctype