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New posts in complex-numbers

matrix of sparse complex numbers in Julia

Retrieving real and imaginary part of complex numbers stored as strings in a list

What is the difference between float2 and cuComplex, which to use?

c++ cuda complex-numbers

Scale the real part of complex numpy array

In what cases does Python complex exponentiation throw an OverflowError?

Why is __muldc3 called, when two std::complex are multiplied?

How can I use this complex number in numpy matrix?

Java library for matrix operations involving complex numbers? [closed]

Complex number literal

a function returning reference to real or imag values of a complex number in C++11

c++ gcc c++11 complex-numbers

std::accumulate() only the real part of a complex std::vector

std::abs(std::complex) too slow

c++ std complex-numbers

How to set the imaginary part of a complex number to zero?

Computing e^(-j) in C

Make Complex arithmetic the default within a Clojure project

Obtaining coefficients of complex expressions in sympy