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std::abs(std::complex) too slow

Why running std::abs over a big complex array is about 8 times slower than using sqrt and norm?

#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    typedef complex<double> compd;

    vector<compd> arr(2e7);
    for (compd& c : arr)

    double sm = 0;
    clock_t tm = clock();
    for (const compd& c : arr)
        sm += abs(c);
    cout << sm << ' ' << clock() - tm << endl; // 5.01554e+011 - 1640 ms

    sm = 0;
    tm = clock();
    for (const compd& c : arr)
        sm += sqrt(norm(c));
    cout << sm << ' ' << clock() - tm << endl; // 5.01554e+011 - 154

    sm = 0;
    tm = clock();
    for (const compd& c : arr)
        sm += hypot(c.real(), c.imag());
    cout << sm << ' ' << clock() - tm << endl; // 5.01554e+011 - 221
like image 950
ashkan_d13 Avatar asked Dec 07 '22 13:12


2 Answers

I believe the two are not to be taken as identical in the strict sense.

From cppreference on std::abs(std::complex):

Errors and special cases are handled as if the function is implemented as std::hypot(std::real(z), std::imag(z))

Also from cppreference on std::norm(std::complex):

The norm calculated by this function is also known as field norm or absolute square.

The Euclidean norm of a complex number is provided by std::abs, which is more costly to compute. In some situations, it may be replaced by std::norm, for example, if abs(z1) > abs(z2) then norm(z1) > norm(z2).

In short, there are cases where a different result is obtained from each function. Some of these may be found in std::hypot. There the notes also mention the following:

std::hypot(x, y) is equivalent to std::abs(std::complex<double>(x,y))

In general the accuracy of the result may be different (due to the usual floating point mess), and it seems the functions were designed in such a way to be as accurate as possible.

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rubenvb Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 23:12


The main reason is that abs handles underflow and overflow during intermediate computations.

So, if norm under/overflows, your formula returns an incorrect/inaccurate result, while abs will return the correct one (so, for example, if your input numbers are in the range of 10200, then the result should be around 10200 as well. But your formula will give you inf, or a floating point exception, because the intermediate norm is around 10400, which is out of range. Note, I've supposed IEEE-754 64-bit floating point here).

Another reason is that abs may give a little bit more precise result.

If you don't need to handle these cases, because your input numbers are "well-behaved" (and don't need the possible more precise result), feel free to use your formula.

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geza Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 23:12
