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New posts in static-analysis

Get the array index variable and its value in value analysis (Frama-C)

G110: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb (gosec)

go static-analysis golint

Garbage collection of Core Foundation objects

XCode Static Analyzer: Analyzer skipped this file due to parse errors

C++ Introspection: Enumerate available classes and methods in a C++ codebase

"Don't catch generic Exceptions!" But how to unravel them?

PMD : Avoid using Literals in Conditional Statements

Which static analysis tool for Java is easiest to extend? [closed]

FxCop - CA1034 error - WHY?

c# static-analysis fxcop

How can I supress static code analysis during build?

.NET 3.5 Dispose Registry Key

How to avoid dangerous vsprintf when you don't know the buffer size

c static-analysis stdio cstdio

Is there a way to determine code coverage without running the code?

A PHP regex to extract php functions from code files

Singleton Java class can have static constant variable ? Sonar lint error

Is there a way to make eclipse report a general "catch (Exception e)" as an error/warning (in java)?

Static Analysis API's?

c++ api static-analysis

C++ and coverity issues

Should I use both NotNull and ContractAnnotation("null => halt")?

Static code analysis tool for terraform [closed]

static-analysis terraform