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New posts in design-by-contract

The best way to assert pre-condition and post-condition of arguments and values in .NET?

.net design-by-contract

Design by contract and class invariant

java design-by-contract

Which 3rd party Code-by-Contract library is most like MS's .NET 4.0 library?

When to add a precondition and when to (only) throw an exception?

Are preconditions and postconditions needed in addition to invariants in member functions if doing design by contract?

Do you have any tips to effectively use Java Assert?

Should I use both NotNull and ContractAnnotation("null => halt")?

Usage of javaagent with Android

What's the most widely-used open source project that uses design by contract?


DDD: the Repository contract

Should my classes restrict developers from doing wrong things with them?

java design-by-contract

Why I still get Code Contracts : Ensure unproven warning?

Design by contract and assert statements

Design by Contract in C for use in Automated Theorem Proving

Argument Exceptions should be Unit Tested?

Design By Contract, writing test-friendly code, object construction and Dependency Injection putting all together best practices

Design by Contract for Objective-C? [closed]

Does Perl 6 natively support Design by Contract?

raku design-by-contract

why using 'assert' in a project? (and why using it so many times)

What are preconditions and postconditions?