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New posts in member-functions

Call non-const function on a const object

Why does std::iterator not contain std::prev() as a member function?

F#: any way to use member functions as unbound functions?

const member function clarification needed

c++: what's the design philosophy of allowing temporary object to call non-const member function?

C++ lists and pointers

Can't bind lvalue to rvalue in member function but ok in global function

Are preconditions and postconditions needed in addition to invariants in member functions if doing design by contract?

C++ class member function and callback from C API

Const Functions and Interfaces in C++

Is there anyway to use a member function as a default parameter?

What is better practice when programming a member function?

class member-functions

Importance of a singlecolon ":" in C++ [duplicate]

c++ member-functions

Are there other languages that have something like Swift's extensions?

Member function decorator and self argument

Why is calling a static member function with . or -> syntax legal? [duplicate]

c++ static member-functions

In C++11, how do I specify that the implicit "this" parameter "[[carries_dependency]]"?

Does every c++ member function take `this` as an input implicitly?