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New posts in constructor-injection

Guice Generic Provider (the Provider itself is generic, not the class it's binding to)

Ninject, Providers and Activator.CreateInstance

CDI constructor injection don't work with transient non-serializable dependencies

Constructor Injection - where to call?

StructureMap: Choose concrete type of nested dependency

Spring 3 autowiring by constructor - why does this code work?

Is constructor injection possible in Spring configuration classes?

Constructor Injection with TinyIoC

Design By Contract, writing test-friendly code, object construction and Dependency Injection putting all together best practices

What is the use of ref in constructor-arg in java spring beans?

Multi-tenancy web application with filtered dbContext

GlassFish, CDI and constructor injection

Dependency injection with multiple repositories

Constructor injection of a View Model instance used as an Action method parameter

Convert Spring field injection to constructor injection (IntelliJ IDEA)?

IoC with value type and object type dependencies

EasyMock: Mock out a constructor call in java

Ninject Injection of all instances of a generic type with ninject

Constructor Injection - Do we inject factories as well?

Unit testing constructor injection