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New posts in constructor-injection

Implicitly injecting dependency in Base class while derived class is resolved through Unity

Constructor injection using Spring annotation @Autowired does not work

Spring <constructor-arg> element must specify a ref or value

When to use constructor injection in Spring? [duplicate]

Ninject multi-injection is not as greedy as I would have thought! How come?

Best practices for dependency injection via constructor

Registering a type with multiple constructors and string dependency in Simple Injector

How is the Web API Controller's constructor called?

How to call constructor with interface arguments when mocking a concrete class with Moq

Constructor Injection in C#/Unity?

Spring constructor injection of SLF4J logger - how to get injection target class?

Best practice for @Value fields, Lombok, and Constructor Injection?

MEF Constructor Injection

Can I pass constructor parameters to Unity's Resolve() method?