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EJB 3.1 Generic DAO

ejb java-ee-6 dao

Apache Shiro: redirect me to login page

How will I send messages to Activemq

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Can @Inject be used in a pojo

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EJB3 Remote vs Webservices, performances?

JavaEE: Perform task at the end of a request/transaction

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Disable @WebFilter (embedded in dependency jar)

what is meant by context in CDI?

java java-ee-6 cdi

Unit Test JPA/Hibernate : No Persistence provider for EntityManager

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EJB Interceptors vs CDI Interceptors

java java-ee-6 cdi ejb-3.1

Java EE 6 - Embedded container EJB tests

Unresolved <ejb-link>

Configure Java EE 6 for dev/QA/prod

Async Servlet Exception

@PostConstruct called multiple time for @ConversationScoped bean

Mapping jsp for a url in Spring 3 without using controller

spring spring-mvc java-ee-6

Which web containers install themselves well as a Windows service?

How to inject one EJB 3.1 into another EJB