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mail/Session Resource Factory does not work in Struts application

tomcat email jndi

Adding LDAP entries using JNDI

java ldap jndi

JNDI and javax.sql.DataSource

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Spring as a JNDI provider?

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JBoss AS 7.1.1 JNDI bindings

ejb-3.0 jndi jboss7.x

Why prefer JNDI lookup over EJB injection for a Stateful session bean?

How to solve sun/io/MalformedInputException during JNDI lookup on remote WebSphere

Org.springframework.jndi.JndiLookupFailureException For Cron Scheduler On Websphere

java spring cron websphere jndi

Using JNDI for Database connections

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LDAP: using a filter to avoid a sub CN in Active Directory

error in persistence.xml

Web-based LDAP Browser

Choosing an RDN for new objectClasses in LDAP?

JNDI jdbc data source in embedded tomcat 7

tomcat jdbc datasource jndi

What's the simplest (i.e least complex) possible LDAP operation

is it possible to set the value and access in context.xml in tomcat7 like JNDI?

Java - DBCP vs JNDI?

The best place to store large data retrieved by a java servlet (Tomcat)

java tomcat servlets jndi

Java EE 6 - Embedded container EJB tests

I don't understand @Resource mappedName element at all

java jakarta-ee jndi