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New posts in persistence.xml

error in persistence.xml

Hibernate JPA how to configure dynamic-update in persistence.xml

how to put ampersand (&) in a jdbc url?

Hibernate 4.1.9 c3p0 settings, and way too many connections to database

Multiple persistence units in Wildfly?

jpa wildfly persistence.xml

Generate the JPA 2.0 metamodel via maven without persistence.xml?

Using Connection Pool in JPA

JPA and toplink create-table on if they don't already exist?

java jpa orm persistence.xml

C3P0: unreturnedConnectionTimeout in production?

persistence.xml not found in Eclipse Maven Project

Maven using wrong version of javax.validation

Using separate persistence.xml files for production and test with Spring 3.1

JPA multiple persistence units for dev/qa/stage/production

Persistence.xml field values from properties file

javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named

can I inject values into the persistence.xml file from maven?

maven persistence.xml

why EntityManager is null?

JPA 2.0, hibernate 3.5, jars & persistence.xml location

Ljava.lang.String class cannot be resolved in persistence.xml