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Exception regarding runtime optimization using openJPA MySQL

java mysql jpa openjpa

Using an @Embeddable entity in a JPA CriteriaQuery

Unable to generate JPA entities from HSQLDB

jpa-2.0 hsqldb openjpa dali

OpenJPA not logging when deployed on WAS 7

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OpenJpa and JNDI

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Combining JPA and JDBC actions in one transaction

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JPA SequenceGenerator and GeneratedValue: name / generator property unique only per class?

websphere 7 and (application based) open-jpa 2

OpenJPA says: You have supplied colums for FooBar but this mapping cannot have columns in this context

java jpa openjpa


java jpa jpql openjpa

IBM Websphere JPA configuration - how to update persistence.xml

java orm jpa websphere openjpa

How to change the default format of JPA generated column names

openJPA on Java SE

orm jpa openjpa java

intellij idea, generating persistence mapping with relationships

Does OpenJPA work well with Glassfish?

jpa glassfish ejb openjpa

Problem with bidirection ManyToOne