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Restoring Team City database after a clean install

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How to insert using a sequence with Liquibase

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Polymorphic Lists and relational database

HsqlDB 1.8 Date Functions

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Unable to generate JPA entities from HSQLDB

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Hibernate Hangs on saveOrUpdate

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SQLException - invalid cursor state

Spring Boot does not use HSQLDB's file based database when configured to do so

NoSuchMethodError - org.hsqldb.DatabaseURL.parseURL

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HSQL + Hibernate Exception: Wrong column type: Found: double, expected: float

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Connect to in memory Hsql (hypersonic) database with DatabaseManager while debugging tests

What is the standard SQL type for binary data?

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'hibernate.dialect' must be set when no Connection available

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SQL INNER JOIN automatic optimization in HSQLDB

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Regular Expresions queries with HSQLDB in Java

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Cascading Deletes/Updates using JPA or Inside of Database?

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HSQLDB and .lobs file size

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How do I modify HSQL default schema?

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HSQLDB and Hibernate/JPA - not persisting to disk?

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