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caused by:java.lang.NoClassDefRoundError:com/mchange/v2/ser/indirector

Not able to set spring.datasource.type

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource in IntelliJ while it works fine in Eclipse

Using c3p0 with Tomcat 8 DataSource

hibernate c3p0

How best to close connections and avoid inactive sessions while using C3P0?

C3P0 connection pool gives connection timeout error with this configuration

Spring ORM with C3P0 or DBCP is leaking connections

java mysql database spring c3p0

How can I prevent Hibernate + c3p0 + MySql creating large numbers of sleeping connections?

java mysql hibernate gwt c3p0

Hibernate failed to execute query afte 1 day

Hibernate4 + c3p0 + Derby - Memory Leak on Tomcat stop or web application reload

java.net.UnknownHostException: Test: Test: unknown error Failed to get local InetAddress for VMID

'hibernate.dialect' must be set when no Connection available

spring hibernate hsqldb c3p0

Java Hibernate C3P0 stored procedure named query error-No operations allowed after statement closed, Unable to release JDBC Connection

Monitor c3p0 (with hibernate and Tomcat) with JConsole

Logback not working with hibernate

Spring Data JPA and MySQL: How to avoid "duplicate entry" error in multithreaded environment?

Postgres and c3p0 invalid timezone error during connection

postgresql jdbc c3p0