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New posts in c3p0

c3p0 Connection pool memory leak redeploy tomcat

java tomcat memory-leaks c3p0

Recurring apparent deadlocks with c3p0, Oracle and Hibernate

Clojure / SQLServer: How to Call Stored Procedure with C3P0 Connection Pool

sql-server clojure c3p0

c3p0 how to shutdown all the database connections and re-open them when need?

java jdbc c3p0

MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource or c3p0 like library?

createArrayOf AbstractMethodError

jdbc c3p0

Using c3p0 connection Pooling in a tomcat Spring based App

Database Connection to MySQL times out even after setting c3p0.testConnectionOnCheckout=true

java mysql hibernate jdbc c3p0

Connections checking in c3p0 pool

In Spring Boot, using c3p0 simultaneously with jdbcTemplate and Hibernate

Hibernate/MySQL Connection Timeout

c3p0 Connection Checkin

Connection time out issues after inactivity period

What is c3p0 in more deeper way?

java hibernate jdbc c3p0

Hibernate 4.1.9 c3p0 settings, and way too many connections to database

Memory Leak in multiple apps

java mysql hibernate solr c3p0