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New posts in c3p0

How do I decide the number of connections required in connection pooling?

Questions regarding C3P0 Pooled Data Source

java hibernate c3p0

C3p0 - APPARENT DEADLOCK on MSSQL, but not PostgreSQL or MySQL

MySQL/Hibernate randomly has "Communications link failure"

java mysql hibernate c3p0

MySQL connection and hibernate c3p0 settings, timeout after 8 hours?

java mysql hibernate c3p0

entitymanager.close() not closing connections to database

java hibernate jpa c3p0

What is the best choice for database connection pooling library? (c3p0 problem)

C3P0 APPARENT DEADLOCK when my tomcat startup

java tomcat c3p0

C3P0: unreturnedConnectionTimeout in production?


How can i stop database retry connection? using c3po

java spring c3p0

c3p0 Connection Pool not closing connections

debugging loss of connections using 'debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces'

DEADLOCK with C3P0 on java se application

c3p0 hangs in awaitAvailable with hibernate

java mysql hibernate jdbc c3p0

Hibernate c3p0 connection pool not timing out idle connections

C3P0 max statements configuration?

java c3p0

Does Hibernate 4.3-final causing GooGooStatementCache Multiply prepared statement?

JDBC connection timeout cannot reconnect

mysql connection timeout c3p0

Hibernate: C3P0 properties ignored

java hibernate c3p0