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New posts in apache-commons-dbcp

HikariCP/Apache DBCP2 and PgBouncer

Java - DBCP vs JNDI?

jdbc spring security, apache commons dbcp

Tomcat: see what threads are using the database connection pool

How to uniquely name an object

apache commons dbcp connection pool error: Timeout waiting for idle object in a Spring + Hibernate app using Spring Transactions

MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource or c3p0 like library?

Auto Reconnect of Database Connection

Reconnecting to a postgres database after postgres restart from Java

How to preinitialize DBCP connection pool on startup?

DBCP returns closed connections

How to set the max pool size or connection size for BasicDataSource in Spring Framework

What is the best choice for database connection pooling library? (c3p0 problem)

Using PreparedStatement pooling in dbcp

Does DBCP connection pool connection.close() return connection to pool

Is the factory attribute for tomcat's server.xml required?

Postgres Error method org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection.createClob() is not implemented

how to return connection to pool

Using encoded password for the datasource used in spring applicationContext.xml