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What would be a good bonecp configuration for high concurrency

mysql jdbc bonecp

BoneCP and Hibernate

Play2.0 returns "SQLException: Timed out waiting for a free available connection."

MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource or c3p0 like library?

How to log connection pool data using BoneCP

Java BoneCP MySQL connection timing out

java mysql bonecp

Is there a way to reload Tomcat's Connection Pool at runtime?

Oracle JDBC driver statement cache vs BoneCP statement cache?

Heroku/Play/BoneCp connection issues

BoneCP throws "SQLException: Connection is closed!" when batch inserting into MySQL

Defining an alternate connection pool in Grails 2.3.6

Using BoneCP: Handling connections from the pool

Play framework 2, postgres "This connection has been closed"

Monitoring Bone cp Connection pool

BoneCP correct usage

A better explanation for partitionCount in BoneCP

java database bonecp

Is "Tomcat 7 JDBC Connection Pool" good enough for production? And how is it compare to BoneCP?

Java Connection Pooling best practices?

Fast and reliable alternatives to bonecp connection pool