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New posts in hibernate-annotations

JVM crashing when using any other Hibernate inheritance strategy besides SINGLE_TABLE

JPA: Deleting detached instance

Mapping Collection of Enum types that implement interface

Loading multiple annotated classes in Hibernate

Calculating and storing precomputed average with Hibernate

multiple @id annotations in a single entity

Strange Hibernate exception with column type

Logback not working with hibernate

Hibernate Filter Programmatically

How do I get Hibernate Filters to work in JPA?

Annotation for all-delete-orphan in hibernate 4.1.4

Hibernate mapping - "Could not determine type"

Integrity constraint violated just when I commit the transaction

How to make this select * from two joined tables query in HQL form?

How to create meta annotations on field level?

Java Hibernate Mapping Exception! (Could not determine type for: java.util.Map)

What is a IncompatibleClassChangeError exception in Java?