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New posts in backup

What is wrong with using $(date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") in a cron job?

bash cron backup cron-task

Restoring Team City database after a clean install

backup teamcity hsqldb

MongoD doesn't stop on CentOS

mongodb centos backup

best practice for backing up cvs repository?

version-control backup cvs

Recommendable Hot Backup System for MySQL?

mysql database backup

How to backup python dependencies or modules already installed

python dependencies backup

Batch script to make backup folder. only new and modified files

batch-file backup xcopy

rdiff-backup fatal errors, relevant increments found?

linux backup rdiff-backup

MySQL 5.6 - how to create a backup on Windows using mysqldump without a password prompt

windows backup mysql

General error : 'mysqldump' is not recognized as an internal or external command

database backup laravel-5.2

What is Android Auto Backup for Apps?

How would I go about backing up the Windows Application Log at a regular interval?

What's a good way to backup (and maybe synchronize) your development machine? [closed]


Incremental Backups / Versioned backups using PHP

php backup

Version Control for developers new to source control

svn version-control backup

How to backup database (SQL Server 2008) in C# without using SMO?

c# sql-server database backup

mysterious vanishing branches in git

POSTGRESQL 9.1 backup and restore to 8.4

Shell: Sed -i.bak to rename file by appending current date

Bash script to scp newest file in a directory on a remote server