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How would I go about backing up the Windows Application Log at a regular interval?

Time when Windows 7 was started/booted [closed]

Windows Event Log, can you xpath filter for string NOT equal?

xpath filter event-viewer

powershell: get-winevent has no message data?

Use Event Log (Write in Event Viewer) in Azure

'Event viewer log files save as XML' saves only 305 records

xml windows xpath event-viewer

How to get a list of all Windows Event Logs (Event Viewer Logs) with their hierarchy and friendly names in C#

Where are archived evtx files stored?

logging event-viewer

log4net doesn't log in Windows Event Viewer

How can i export my event logs to a folder (csv or txt) on every start up automatically?

Application Event log exceeding maximum allowed count

Windows Event Viewer holds a lock on my EXE file

Writing to event log in C# - do I need to use EventLog.CreateEventSource when writing to Application log?

c# event-viewer event-log

Log to event viewer on Windows with C++ [closed]

Subscription to Windows Event Log?

c# event-log event-viewer

How to interpret windows APPCRASH mysterious log?

IIS 7.0 gives 503 error and stops the application pool

Eventviewer eventid for lock and unlock

windows event-viewer