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The absolute uri cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application

How to use Jackson as JSON provider for JAX-RS-Client instead of Johnzon in TomEE 7?

@Inject fails to initialize object

Johnzon desirializing date over rest

java android rest apache-tomee

How do I generate WADL from RESTful Java code in IntelliJ IDEA?

org.apache.activemq.broker.TransportConnection serviceTransportException WARNING: java.io.EOFException

Using JDBC datasources from context.xml in TomEE

java tomcat jdbc apache-tomee

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported class file major version 58

How to override 'org.apache.cxf.stax.maxChildElements' property value inside a TomEE container?

EJB injections vs only JSF managed beans

CDI | Application / Dependent Scope | Memory Leak - javax.enterprise.inject.Instance<T> Not Garbage Collected

Tomee 1.5.2 JAX-RS with Jackson 1.9.12

EJB testing with TomEE embedded EJBContainer api: java.lang.ClassFormatError exception

junit ejb apache-tomee

Security error - Starting TomEE Plume 1.7.4

EJB-3.1 @Startup & @Schedule anotation in Apache Tomee for Timer Execution

Maven with automated testing using TestNG, JSFUnit 2 and Arquillian

Making @Schedule run only once in a clustered environment

Unable to enlist connection in transaction: enlistResource returns 'false'

jpa jdbc jta apache-tomee