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What's the simplest (i.e least complex) possible LDAP operation

I have implemented a pool for LDAP connections using Apache commons-pool. I cannot use the pooling feature provided by JNDI (http://download.oracle.com/javase/jndi/tutorial/ldap/connect/pool.html) because I use SSL connection (with a custom (Oracle-provided) socket factory (java.naming.ldap.factory.socket env value set) which disqualifies the context from JNDI pooling) to an LDAP server and thus pooling facility inside JNDI is disabled automatically, even if the according pooling property is set.

Now it comes to the point where a pooled instance of InitialDirContext is returned to the pool and needs to be checked for whether it is still usable and has not been closed by the user or has lost the connection to the LDAP server due to other causes.

This is where I currently look up the DN of a specific user known to exist:

 final InitialDirContext ctx = internalPooledLDAPConnection.getCtx();
 final Subscriber sub = internalPooledLDAPConnection.getSub();

 SearchControls ctls = new SearchControls();
 ctls.setReturningAttributes(new String[] { "dn"});
 NamingEnumeration resultSet = ctx.search(sub.getUserSearchBase()[0], "(&(objectclass=*)(uid=orcladmin))", ctls);

In case this operation does not throw any exception, then the InitialDirContext inside my internal pooled Ldap connection is still usable and may be safely given out of the pool for re-usage.

However I wonder whether this is the 'cheapest' connection sanity check that can be performed here or whether there exists a much cheaper LDAP operation which I could use instead.

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BertNase Avatar asked Dec 28 '22 21:12


1 Answers

An LDAP compare operation would probably be more efficient than a search because there's only a single response (with a search that matches an entry, you're going to have two responses -- one for the entry and a second to indicate the end of the search results).

However, you might also want to consider alternatives to JNDI, as provides a notoriously bad API for LDAP. There are other Java libraries for performing LDAP communication that are vastly better than JNDI. In particular, the UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java (for which I am a developer) provides a feature-rich, easy-to-use, high-performance API for LDAP communication. It has rich connection pooling capabilities, including health checking, failover, and load balancing. See https://docs.ldap.com/ldap-sdk/docs/advantages/comparison.html for a comparison of the capabilities offered by the UnboundID LDAP SDK with JNDI and the Netscape Directory SDK for Java.

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Neil Wilson Avatar answered Feb 18 '23 18:02

Neil Wilson