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New posts in properties-file

java.io.FileNotFoundException: class path resource [WEB-INF/classes/library.properties] cannot be opened because it does not exist

Reading 2 property files having same variable names in Spring

Is there any length limit for value kept in properties file?

java limit properties-file

Delete key and value from properties file using java

Loading properties file in a Java Jersey RESTful web app, to persist throughout the app?

Configure Java EE 6 for dev/QA/prod

How to get properties file from /WEB-INF folder in JSF?

Read properties file in java having particular string

java properties-file

How do I get an EAR to read a properties file from a WAR?

PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer vs ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource

spring-3 properties-file

Expose <property-placeholder> properties to the Spring Environment

How to create hash map with entries from .properties file

Why are colons escaped with a backslash when you generate a properties file using the Java API? [duplicate]

java properties-file

Using getText() with more than one parameter in Struts 2 and JSP

How to access a value in the application.properties file in Spring Boot app with main method

Spring boot application.properties reuse values

Loading multiple properties files

java properties-file

Spring-Boot multi module project load property-file