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New posts in ddd-repositories

How to cleanly (physically) seperate the domain layer from spring data code?

How to implement DDD with Doctrine2 within a Symfony2 project?

How to use Generic Repository with DDD (Domain Model + Persistence Model)?

How to implement DDD using Spring Crud/Jpa Repository

Can a DDD repository be stateful?

DDD: can a repository return boolean values?

Aggregate to JPA Entity mapping

Detecting Changes in Entities within an Aggregate Root

What is the best way to use EF 4 and DDD

Aggregates, Transactional Consistency and the Entity Framework DbContext

DDD: the Repository contract

Connecting the dots with DDD

How do you persist/restore aggregate roots with entities in DDD?

DDD: can a Repository return entities inside an aggregate?

nhibernate, could not resolve property QueryOver only one table

How to retrieve Domain Object from Repositories

Nhibernate - One-to-one mapping with Cascade all-delete-orphan, not deleting the orphan

could domain models be aware of repositories?

DDD - How to store aggregates in NoSql databases

Try Catch in Repository