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New posts in hexagonal-architecture

Can a DDD repository be stateful?

Can hibernate business objects be used as entities in a clean architecture?

hexagonal architecture and transactions concept

In onion, hexagonal, or clean architecture, can a domain model contain different properties than the domain model in the database?

Interface for use cases (application services)?

N-Layer to Hexagonal (Ports and Adapters) architecture

Hexagonal architecture - a simple use case

Framework and database adapter with Hexagonal Architecture and DCI pattern

Use case containing the presenter or returning data?

Hexagonal architecture and microservices: how do they fit together?

Factory methods vs inject framework in Python - what is cleaner?

hexagonal architecture with spring data

Should my Domain Exceptions be thrown from Application Layer?

Ports and adapters / hexagonal architecture - clarification of terms and implementation

Onion architecture compared to hexagonal