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New posts in aggregateroot

DDD aggregate root is it correct to have an static method that create the object

Aggregate Root complexity in Domain-Driven Design

Keeping consistency between aggregates

DDD, Aggregate roots and Entities

Handling events in an cross-aggregate relationships, and aggregate state

DDD Modify one aggregate per transaction with invariants in both aggregates

How to identify aggregate roots in domain model?

Domain Driven Design: How to handle a conceptually large aggregate root?

Transactions crossing aggregate boundaries

DDD: Share entity with multiple aggregate roots

Can non aggregate-root hold a reference for another non aggregate-root?

Aggregate Root in context of Repository Pattern

How to define DDD Aggregate root for hierarchical data structure?

Accessing Subclassed Aggregate Members

DDD: Can an Aggregate Root be an Entity within another Aggregate Root?

How do you persist/restore aggregate roots with entities in DDD?

DDD: can a Repository return entities inside an aggregate?

Repository pattern aggregate and aggregate root with Entity Framework 4.0

DDD modeling, interaction between aggregate roots

Getting all aggregate root entities child entities?