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New posts in consistency

Cassandra - Select without replication

Keeping consistency between aggregates

Are dynamodb update expressions strongly consistent?

Transaction with Cassandra data model

Replica set and MongoDB, does the option {w: 1} make the system AP in terms of CAP?

inconsistency issue with Objectify query result and Datastore viewer result?

How do I ensure consistency of aggregates with high availability?

One table DAO vs multiple table DAO

oop dao consistency

Is it possible to read data only from a single node in a Cassandra cluster with a replication factor of 3?

Are there any general algorithms for achieving eventual consistency in distributed systems?

"Official" docker backup strategy - what about consistency?

backup docker consistency

What is the difference between Sequential Consistency and Eventual Consistency?

Controling eventual AppEngine datastory consistency during testing

Sequential consistency in newbie terms?

Choosing a NoSQL database for storing events in a CQRS designed application

How can MySQL Cluster 7.3 achieve 99,999% Availability? Antithesis to CAP Theorem

Leader election with: Etcd vs Zookeeper vs Hazelcast

Hazelcast: Questions regarding multi-node consistency

Is it possible to run a Neo4j cluster with strong consistency?