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New posts in distributed-transactions

Distributed transactions - why do we save tranlogs to file system?

Connection using enlist=false does not close after being manually enlisted in distributed transaction

Npgsql, TransactionScope and prepared transaction [closed]

how to implement Long running distributed transaction in j2ee

How to implement distributed transaction with hystrix fallback based on Spring Cloud architect

Security risk of enabling MSDTC

Distributed transactions between MySQL and MSSQL

Event-sourcing and sagas - compensating transactions

Why is two-phase commit considered atomic?

Spring cloud task's SimpleTaskConfiguration and spring batch's SimpleBatchConfiguration preventing spring boot auto configuration of XA transactions

What is a transaction boundary?

Are XA/JTA transactions still used?

How to process distributed transaction within postgresql?

distributed transactions and queues, ruby, erlang, scala

NServiceBus: Aren't MSMQ Transactions BAD?

Parallel and Transactional Processing in Java (Java EE)

Distributed transactions across Spring web applications

2PC distributed transactions across many microservices?

.NET TransactionScope and MSDTC