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New posts in spring-cloud-netflix

How to disable eureka lookup on specific @FeignClient

Spring cloud config client properties are not getting resolved

Use case for @EnableZuulServer

How does the eureka client find the eureka server in spring boot 1.5.2?

Get Eureka instance Id

Spring boot application not able to find bean for feign client

Get headers feign netflix

How to use eureka.client.service-url: property of netflix eureka in spring cloud

Spring netflix eureka, zuul vs Spring cloud data flow

spring-boot Autowired DiscoveryClient RestTemplate UnknownHostException

Not able to register a service as Eureka Client

How to implement distributed transaction with hystrix fallback based on Spring Cloud architect

org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.InvalidRemoteException: Invalid remote: origin - Spring Cloud

Feign: Retry depending on response status