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New posts in netflix-feign

Should it be possible to use @EnableFeignClients on a BootstrapConfiguration?

How can i define a Hystrix Client Fallback directly in a @FeignClient

Get headers feign netflix

How to custom @FeignClient Expander to convert param?

Securing Microservices that use Spring Cloud & Netflix's Eureka and Feign

Does Spring Cloud Feign client call execute inside hystrix command?

'Too many body parameters' Exception on Feign Client

java spring rest netflix-feign

Using spring cloud feign when http code is 401, the respose.body() is null

Spring Cloud Netflix : Passing host request parameter via RequestInterceptor to FeignClient

Feign: Retry depending on response status

How can I adjust load balancing rule by feign in spring cloud

How to Cache HTTP Requests made with Netflix's Feign library in a Java Spring app

Feign - URL encode path params

@FeignClient forces @GetMapping with @RequestBody to POST

Can't get Feign Client to work for a basic example

How to Set Request Headers Using a Feign Client?

spring-cloud-feign Client and @RequestParam with Date type

Invalid HTTP method: PATCH > executing PATCH : Caused by: feign.RetryableException:
