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New posts in netflix-ribbon

Is it possible to use @FeignClient without ribbon?

is there any difference in maven dependency for Netflix zuul and ribbon while upgrading to Spring boot 2.5.1 and spring cloud 2020.0.3

Spring cloud gateway gives connection closed prematurely

How to do client side load balancing for discovered microservices in nodejs

How can I adjust load balancing rule by feign in spring cloud

Accessing an internal micro service

Netflix Ribbon and Hystrix Timeout

How to override the ribbon.serverListRefreshInterval default value in Spring Cloud Ribbon?

spring boot 2 + feign + eureka client wont resolve service-name to URL

com.netflix.zuul.exception.ZuulException: Hystrix Readed time out

Can spring-cloud and ribbon perform DNS-based load balancing?

Hystrix & Ribbon Timeout Warnings

Zuul/Ribbon/Hystrix not retrying on different instance

Netflix Zuul/Ribbon/Eureka vs AWS ELB/ALB & ECS

Difference between Ribbon circuit breaker and Hystrix

Ribbon with Spring Cloud and Eureka: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No instances available for Samarths-MacBook-Pro.local

Zuul and Ribbon integration

Difference between @RibbonClient and @LoadBalanced