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Is MSDTC a big resource drain?

c# msdtc csla

Distributed transactions accross Azure SQL and on premises sql server causes errors

Understanding MSDTC in Windows

c# transactions subsonic msdtc

maxTimeout value from Machine.Config is not picked up by C# winform app

Nested TransactionScope and/or nested connections causing MSDTC escalation

Security risk of enabling MSDTC

MSDTC/DTCPing works in only one direction


using WebSercurity.CreateAccount with other queries in a TrasactionScope, without DTC Enabled

How to prevent an Insert query from enrolling into a Distributed Transaction?

Why is MSDTC not supported when using SQL Server Mirroring & Automatic Failover?

INNER JOIN on Linked Server Table much slower than Sub-Query

TransactionScope Error against Sql Server 2000 - The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions

Unable to begin a distributed transaction: Linked Server -> Access database

Common Gotchas when using TransactionScope and MS DTC

.net transactionscope msdtc

Entity Framework Forcing Distributed Transaction

Multiple SQL Transactional Commands Across Different Database Connections

.net sql tsql transactions msdtc