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New posts in failover

What does Spark recover the data from a failed node?

Disruptor pattern - how are master and slave nodes kept in sync?

Apache spark job failed immediately without retry, setting maxFailures doesn't work

Failover scenarious for the Service Bus with NServiceBus or MassTransit

XSLT template for any node not already handled?

xml xslt default failover

AWS alternative to DNS failover?

mysql failover: how to choose slave as new master?

Basic Apache Camel LoadBalancer Failover Example

Node script - Failover from one server to another server

node.js tcp failover fallback

Hazelcast failover and backups

failover hazelcast

How to start distributed Erlang app without starting dependencies at every node?

erlang distributed failover

Configure GlassFish JDBC connection pool to handle Amazon RDS Multi-AZ failover

Can I use Failover Partner in my SQL connection string without mirroring?

Why is MSDTC not supported when using SQL Server Mirroring & Automatic Failover?

Postgres 9.0 and pgpool replication : single point of failure?

postgresql failover pgpool