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New posts in hazelcast

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.google.common.util.concurrent.MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor

hazelcast weblogic12c

HazelCast get all distributed map names

hazelcast hazelcast-imap

Hazelcast: how to ensure cluster startup is finished

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Request-Reply through a Queue with Hazelcast

java hazelcast

Thread safe counter map in Hazelcast

java hazelcast

Is Hazelcast Client thread safe?


Hazelcast: programmatic configuration for logging in debug mode

java logging hazelcast

How to make Hazelcast nodes installed in docker on different aws instances interact with each other?

Hazelcast UI. Is there any Hazelcast UI endpoint which shows the metrics of the server

java hazelcast

Does Hazelcast supports SQL queries like Apache Ignite?

sql hazelcast ignite

In Hazelcast, is it possible to use clustered locks that do _not_ care about the local thread that performs the lock/unlock operations?

Starting 2 hazelcast instances synchronously on a single machine (with hazelcast.initial.min.cluster.size=2)

Setting TTL/Record Expiry in hazelcast

hazelcast hazelcast-imap

Communication among microservices: Apache Kafka vs Hazelcast's Topic

using a MapLoader for a Hazelcast distributed map within a client

spring hazelcast

Is it possible to create WAN-wide topic in Hazelcast?


Hazelcast 3.5 serialization with DataSerializable

Hazelcast SlowOperationDetector to identify operations with less than 1 sec execution time