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Reading latest in spark kafka streaming

"java.io.NotSerializableException: org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext" When execute spark streaming

Why are Apache Spark worker executor killed with exit status 1?

How to give dependent jars to spark submit in cluster mode

Cannot call methods on a stopped SparkContext

How can I make (Spark1.6) saveAsTextFile to append existing file?

Exception while accessing KafkaOffset from RDD

How to save/insert each DStream into a permanent table

How can I control the number of output files written from Spark DataFrame?

Why is the "topics" argument of KafkaUtils.createStream() a Map rather then array?

How do I start Spark's Shell on Window's 8.1?

scala spark-streaming

How to set offset committed by the consumer group using Spark's Direct Stream for Kafka?

How to solve "Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.SparkException: Application application finished with failed status"?

Spark doesnt print outputs on the console within the map function

RestAPI service call from Spark Streaming

What does Spark recover the data from a failed node?

Kafka Spark streaming: unable to read messages

Spark - Sort DStream by Key and limit to 5 values

How to add the "--deploy-mode cluster" option to my scala code

How to use SparkSession and StreamingContext together?