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New posts in subsonic

Stored procedures or inline queries?

How do I pass constructor arguments with dependency injection using Castle.Windsor?

Understanding MSDTC in Windows

c# transactions subsonic msdtc

What are some good ways to debug timeouts? (C#)

Is Subsonic compatible with .Net 4.0


Subsonic 3 LINQ Projection issue, fixed or no?

Should I use SubSonic or Dynamic Data for a new CRUD asp.net application?

Subsonic 3 - SimpleRepository

Loop to LINQ Conversion -

SubSonic Collection Top 1

subsonic collections

Subsonic - How to use SQL Schema / Owner name as part of the namespace?

.NET ORM solution with class auto-generation: Subsonic, Castle AR, ...?

Adding DataAnnontations to Generated Partial Classes

Subsonic ORM experience

c# .net orm subsonic

How to get into SubSonic?

c# sql orm subsonic

SubSonic ASP.NET MVC sample in Visual Web Developer Express

asp.net-mvc subsonic t4

Editing tables with ASP.Net - Quick 'n Dirty

What would you choose for your data layer today, Linq or Subsonic?

linq subsonic data-layers

Subsonic 3 VS Entity Framework

Generic contraints on derived classes