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Check-in t4 class into source control?

c# t4

Unable to watch variables during debug of T4 templates after updating to Visual Studio 2015 Update 2

Getting the Schema from an EDMX file

entity-framework-4 t4

How to get a project's directory from within T4?

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T4 template for an MVC Controller with Entity Framework - member properties of the host (MvcTextTemplateHost)?

Using T4 Templates to Generate multiple classes based on POCO

T4 Templating with 3rd party assemblies

json.net t4

How do I run a .NET Unit Test repeatedly with a set of parameters cartesianed

c# .net unit-testing c#-4.0 t4

using T4MVC in a JS function

Entity Framework 5 stopped running T4 templates files on save

Generate code through Reflection over the same assembly

c# .net reflection t4

T4 code generation without Visual Studio 2010?

Do not compile t4 file

visual-studio t4

T4 namespace and type resolving

c# asp.net-mvc resources t4

T4 template whitespace control


How to conditionally set base class in declaration

c# .net entity-framework t4

DbContext Generator T4 Templates with Code First

Design-time T4 templates in ASP.NET 5 (VS 2015)

How do I reference classes in a T4 text template that already exist in the current project?

c# c#-4.0 t4