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HornetQ: How to reuse XAConnection and XASession

jakarta-ee jboss jms hornetq xa

XA transactions and message bus

Does Kafka supports XA transactions?

When do I use XA datasource and 2 phase commit

Why does Quartz Scheduler(JobSToreCMT) require the use of two datasources?

Are XA/JTA transactions still used?

How to process distributed transaction within postgresql?

How to do XA transaction which includes JDBC and JMS transactions?

java jdbc jms xa

JBOSS: Thread freezing on Oracle XA Transaction using Atomikos

java spring jboss xa atomikos

Is it safe to set Hibernate after_transaction as a JTA connection release mode when using Bitronix Transcation Manager?

An illegal attempt to commit a one phase capable resource with existing two phase capable resources

Atomikos: exception when transaction contains more than one persist

mysql jpa jta xa atomikos

Wildfly 10 failing to load MySQL XA driver on startup

java mysql sql jboss xa

Atomikos transaction logs com.atomikos.icatch.enable_logging=false

JDBC driver does not support XA issue

java jdbc transactions soa xa

XA/JTA transaction: JMS message arrives before DB changes are visible

Prepared transactions with Postgres 8.4.3 on CentOS

postgresql xa atomikos

AMQP, SQL Server and XA

amqp xa

Never ending periodic recovery of heuristic participants

oracle wildfly ibm-mq xa