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New posts in aggregateroot

domain driven design method duplication

How to handle concurrent constraints across aggregate roots

How to model aggregates that will be created in multiple steps, like wizard style

How to handle paging of sub entities with the repository pattern?

DDD: how to properly implement with JPA/Hibernate entities relation?

DDD: Aggregate Root accessed by another aggregate root

In Domain Driven Design, may a transaction modify more than one aggregate?

DDD - Share or duplicate a value object to be used between two aggregate roots?

The role of Aggregate roots in a REST API (DDD)

DDD - How Can I Avoid Crossing Aggregate Boundaries Here?

DDD: Aggregate Roots

Defining aggregate roots when invariants exist within a list

What is the recommended way to add child entities to aggregate roots?

Is it OK to create huge events in Event Sourcing?

DDD functional way: Why is it better to decouple state from the behavior when applying DDD with functional language?

DDD - Enforcing rules which need to know about multiple aggregate roots

Domain driven design child entities change tracking

When to update audit fields? DDD

DDD Customer, Contacts, and Addresses (aggregate root)

Is Aggregate Root with Deep Hierarchy appropriate in DDD?