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New posts in domain-model

Where to start when doing a Domain Model?

Declarative Domain Model possible (DDD)?

Domain models in UML?

Is Martin Fowler's POEAA implementation of Unit of Work an anti-pattern?

Corrupting POCO Domain Model when creating LINQ Entity Classes?

Transactions crossing aggregate boundaries

Domain Driven Design: How to model relations that are large but have few behaviors

DDD: What goes into domain and what goes into application?

Domain objects - "Smart object" vs POCO

Can I create a poco class with private setter in EntityFramework

How to represent mandatory business fields on a model structure?

CQRS applying cross cutting concerns such as security

UML Domain model - how to model multiple roles of association between two entities?

Building an appointment booking system in Rails

Grails/GORM: creating one-to-one optional relationship

Domain driven design: Avoiding anemic domains and modelling real world roles

Data Mapper pattern, exceptions, and handling user-provided data

Grails - save the transient instance before flushing grails Error?

What's the difference between domain model and conceptual model


Bestpractice - Mixing View Model with Domain Model