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New posts in declarative

Prolog loop after results

ASP.NET MVC - Declarative Redirect On Error

Declarative Domain Model possible (DDD)?

Declarative thread safety in .NET

Declarative ruby programming replacement for if/then/else/RETURN/end?

How to convert prolog parse tree back to a logical sentence

parsing prolog declarative dcg

Is there a language and platform agnostic declarative GUI language that isn't XML?

Is D's "static if" declarative or procedural?

Can you catch errors in QML declaritive code?

How to assert a negative fact in Pyke?

python declarative pyke

Testing a too general program

Is there a declarative way to parse XML to Java objects?

prolog passing a function as a variable, how to add arguments?

prolog declarative

SQLAlchemy column_property basics

Are the implementation details of declarative languages inherently imperative

Problem implementing declarative transactions

Are there purely declarative, general purpose programming languages?

implement a simple C like language in Prolog?

Dynamic Class Creation in SQLAlchemy