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New posts in logic-programming

Compact vs full/verbose definition of the inverse combinator/operator in Curry

Shortest way to define multiple rules in prolog

Extending core.logic to custom types

Does MiniKanren have the "not" operator?

Does HiLog add anything that can not be done with "call" in Prolog? [duplicate]

How to implement fully-declarative Horn logic? [closed]

Multithreading in... functional languages? (Prolog)

What is the most elegant way to find 16-bit numbers which satisfy some conditions?

Listing unique DAG parents with core.logic

Are there purely declarative, general purpose programming languages?

Clojure.logic difference with The Reasoned Schemer

Herbrand universe and Least herbrand Model

prolog logic-programming

Prolog: Failure driven loops

Goal ordering in Clojure's `core.logic`

Difference between logic programming and automated theorem proving

Does Prolog need GC when the occurs check is globally enabled?

Logic variables support for .NET [closed]