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New posts in theorem-proving

Verify convolution theorem using pytorch

Combinator logic axioms

A theorem prover / proof assistant supporting (multiple) subtyping / subclassing [closed]

Coq: viewing proof term during proof script writing

Z3 with Craig interpolation (iz3)

c z3 smt theorem-proving

Need help understanding the Owicki-Gries method

Z3: Performing Matrix Operations

matrix z3 theorem-proving

Isabelle solvers: "auto" or "fastforce"? (comparison of solver strength)

Induction on a datatype with non-uniform type parameters produces ill-typed terms

coq theorem-proving

How to use a refutation to direct the type checker in Haskell?

Theorem Proof Using Prolog

Isabelle: Unsupported recursive occurrence of a datatype via type constructor "Set.set"

Agda: Can't find std-lib when installing with Stack

How do you print local variables and ?thesis in an Isabelle proof (debugging in Isabelle)?

isabelle theorem-proving

how to prove the correctness of a c program with coq

c theorem-proving

How can I use rules suggested by solve_direct? (by (rule …) doesn't always work)

`decide equality` for Mutually Recursive Types in Coq?

Showing (head . init ) = head in Agda

theorem-proving agda