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New posts in dependent-type

How to make Vect n Int an instance of Monoid

Typed abstract syntax and DSL design in Haskell

Order of type arguments in indexed vectors

haskell dependent-type

'half' function type signature in Idris

dependent-type idris

Using haskell's singletons, how can I write `fromList :: [a] -> Vec a n`?

How to pattern match multiple values in Idris/Agda/Coq?

coq agda dependent-type idris

Type Juggling with Existentials at Runtime

In Idris, how to add 1 to a Fin until a "max" is Reached

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Why Nat data type in Idris starts with 0 and not 1?

dependent-type idris

Dependent Types in Elm

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Scala Dependent type does not compile

In Scala is it possible to retrieve the `val` referenced by a singleton type?

scala types dependent-type

Statically balanced trees in Agda

tree agda dependent-type

Define an inductive dependent-type with constraints on the type-parameter

coq dependent-type

Problems with dependent types in Coq proof assistant

coq dependent-type

Difference between parameters and members of a class

Return GADT from function

haskell dependent-type gadt

Coq: viewing proof term during proof script writing

How does a recursive method work?

Scala: how to force converting a statement to literal?