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New posts in singleton-type

Singletons TypeRepStar Sing Data Instance

haskell singleton-type

Using haskell's singletons, how can I write `fromList :: [a] -> Vec a n`?

Memory-efficient dummy values in Haskell

How to (unsafely) reflect a map as a constraint?

What is the proper way to use Nat/Natural in a singletons data type?

haskell singleton-type

Surprising equivalences and non-equivalences regarding this.type

Ostensible inconsistencies in singleton types

Scala: is there a way to create inline types?

TypeLits or Singletons: Promoting an `Integer` to `KnownNat` (`Nat`) at Runtime

Is there any connection between `a :~: b` and `(a :== b) :~: True`?

Idiomatic boolean equality usage (singletons)

Singletons in Heterogenous Lists

Proving a type inequality to GHC

Can I get KnownNat n to imply KnownNat (n * 3), etc?

haskell singleton-type

How to use the dependent pair type Sigma from the singletons library?

Restricting a trait to objects?

scala traits singleton-type

Haskell singletons: What do we gain with SNat