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New posts in type-families

How to get better error messages with type-families?

Import a type family that is an operator in Haskell

Convert type family instances to Int

haskell type-families

Type classes, associated families -> containers, keys, and elements: Who is who?

Which language extensions enable to write "class A (B c) => D c where ..." ? What is the meaning of this type class declaration?

Constrain a type family constraint to be "some pair"

How to derive instances for records with type-families

Export data family instance constructor

How can I make a typeclass to represent containers containing extractable `Num` instance types?

Haskell: Function to apply some function to nested 2-tuples

haskell type-families

How to convert any type to Symbol using type families?

haskell type-families

Mapping a Dependent Type over a List of Types

Pattern matching inside closed type families

haskell type-families

Overlapping instances error when trying to write fallback instance

Find match a parametric parameter

haskell type-families

Haskell type families and dummy arguments

haskell type-families

How to write a family of printf functions (debug print, etc.) in Haskell

Haskell type families, understanding error message

haskell type-families

Matching on type level Nat in GHC 7.6