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Why cross-compiling for ARM fails in ./configure?

SWI-Prolog: Using message queues for thread-safe database read/writes with `library(persistency)`

How to trace built-in append/3 in SWI-Prolog?

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How to use list constructors (./2) in SWI-Prolog

prolog swi-prolog

Variable bin packing problem with Prolog (CLP)

prolog swi-prolog clpfd clp

How to get current system year in Prolog as a number

prolog swi-prolog

String Stream in Prolog?

Skip/pass non-standard prolog code

prolog swi-prolog erlog

Reversible predicates and Strings in SWI-Prolog

How to use SWI-Prolog ./2 function?

prolog swi-prolog

Unexpected result for predicate nb_setarg/3

How do return both a variable result and a true/false in Prolog?

Trouble defining an infix binary operator in prolog

prolog operators swi-prolog

Define parts of a predicate across several modules

module prolog swi-prolog

Example how to use predsort(:Compare, +List, -Sorted) in prolog

Prolog: ignore unwanted variables in the output

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